Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Dance of Venus and Ra, and the Disappearing Act of Ra.

the disappearing act of ra

transit of venus
Did you see the Transit of Venus yesterday?  I was not able to see it.  Darn!   The neighboring buildings in our condo-complex is blocking the sun.  I also have some things and deadlines to finish so I was no able to see it.  Haissst!   In any case, I was contented with the video clips of NASA in their web site and with those hundreds of pictures posted in several social bookmarking sites.  The pictures are truly amazing!  This is indeed, a once in a lifetime occurrence.  The next visible transit according to scientists will be on the year 2117.  That's 105 years from now.  Oh, I'll miss it by a few years.  LOL.  I wonder why there weren't so much "metaphysical fuss" about this transit of Venus as compared to when "Mars is in retrograde"?  Maybe because people are so excited of this once in a lifetime occurrence.  Actually it should be "twice in a lifetime" because the transit usually occurs twice in a given period.  The last time was in 2004.  I don't recall much news about it in 2004.  Was I busy at that time?  Well…

Note:  I downloaded the picture of the "transit of venus" from one of the reddit submissions.  I will gladly take the picture off from this post if it has infringed any copyright.  Thank you.


famous sunset at manila bay
The transit of Venus has been anticipated by people around the world and there's great reason for it being a rare occasion.  But honestly, I prefer to enjoy the daily occurrences in life.  I believe that the excitement and the feeling of reverential respect mixed with wonder, should also be conferred to the sun's daily traversal across the skies.  (Well, scientifically speaking, it's actually the Earth traversing and orbiting on its axis that we have daily sunrise and sunsets.) Because it is happening daily, completely routinary, we fail to give it proper appreciation.

When I was young, around 6 or 7 years old, the whole family would get up early on Saturdays, and go to Luneta for our family picnic.  Luneta, located in Manila,  is known as Rizal Park now, and it's like New York's Central Park but much, much smaller.  It has however, one advantage over Central Park.  Luneta faces West where you can see probably one of the world's best sunsets.  Manila Bay eats the glorious sun on a daily basis.  It's breathtaking!  Our picnics would culminate in a few minutes of silence and happiness while we watch the beautiful traversal of the sun across the skies and as the horizon engulfs the sun completely.  Sheer wonder!


mall of asia breakwater
I took the pictures of the Manila Bay sunset with my primitive point-and-click Canon Powershot A480 digital camera a few weeks back at the Mall of Asia in Pasay City.  The Mall of Asia is near Luneta and faces the Manila Bay in the same direction.  A lot of photographers on a daily basis gather at the breakwater to capture this spectacular sunset.  I'd like to share them with you.  The picture storyboard will be posted for a short period of time in the "pin board", located at the upper part of the blog, where my favorite pics are posted.

The Manila Bay sunset is one of the reasons why It's more fun in the Philippines.  Hey, come and visit us here in the Philippines and see for yourself this precious gift of nature daily!  You don't have to wait a hundred years for this truly astonishing transit of a celestial body.

the disappearing act of ra

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