Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Joy of Collecting: Natural Quartz Crystal


I started collecting quartz crystals when I was in college.  That was more than 30 years ago.  Can you believe it?  Let me share my collection with you.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Budol is Real

Getting scammed is the worst!  You feel stupid for being taken advantage of.  I was scammed online!  Let me tell you my experience.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Rinse Your Worries Off

More than ever, with COVID lurking in our doorsteps, it is essential that we practice the minimum safety protocols recommended by the government.  Unfortunately, one of the measures we must undertake is to restrict our movement outside of our dwelling spaces.  If you think about it, these measures are truly for our safety.  They however, add unnecessary stress to our already stressful lives.  So, what can we do to cope from this situation?

Monday, September 13, 2021

The Joy of Collecting: Model Cars

Things that give us pleasure.  We do tend to collect them.  We are talking about material objects here, okay?  For me at least, on the things I collect, they give me immense pleasure just by looking at them.  Something like a visual therapy.  My stress relieved.  My worries gone for a bit.  It recharges me.  It revitalizes me.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

Do It Slowly, Baby!

In this hurried times, we sometimes complain that 24 hours is not enough for all the things we needed to accomplish for the day.  We tend to sacrifice a lot of things for the more "important" activities.  Most young adults nowadays skip breakfast and would rather "drink" their morning meals.  There's instant oat drinks and fiber-rich instant breakfast alternatives.  Some would of course opt for healthier drinks.  Thank goodness juicers were invented.  Not all juicers however, are created equal.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

To Sleep Or Not To Sleep


Are you getting enough sleep lately?  I know.  Almost every aspect in our lives has been disturbed or disrupted by this COVID-19 pandemic.  Our sleeping habit is no exception.

Friday, September 10, 2021

Drink Your Water

Have you chance upon a vlogger on YouTube who would always say "Drink you water, bitch!"  Well, I would say this, "drink your coconut water, sis!"

Thursday, September 9, 2021

My Daily Dose of Happiness


We all know that fruits are good for the body.  It is no secret that fruits are packed with antioxidants that prevent or delay cellular damage in our bodies.  

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

A Legit Cactito


Hear ye, hear ye!  Let it be known by all people walking on the face of this planet: I coined the term CACTITO.

The lockdowns enforced by governments because of this pandemic has brought all sorts of things.  There was a change on how we do our daily office work.  There was a change on how we communicate with one another.  There was a change on how we plan our groceries and prepare our meals.  There was basically a change in almost every aspect of our daily living.  To some, mental health has been affected in varying degrees depending on how big the change was on their lives.  One way of coping is engaging in a hobby that can take away the stress of this confinement from the four corners of the house. 

One hobby that is currently enjoyed by many is growing different kinds of exotic plants at home.  The growers are what we call "plantitos" and "plantitas".  I am one of these plantitos you see, but I am a special kind of plantito.  I specilize in cactus.  I therefore, is what you call a CACTITO.  Gets?