
Friday, September 10, 2021

Drink Your Water

Have you chance upon a vlogger on YouTube who would always say "Drink you water, bitch!"  Well, I would say this, "drink your coconut water, sis!"

We have to drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday.  We all know this.  I cannot speak for everyone, to me at least, I don't think that I have been fulfilling this health requirement.  The reminder to drink water hence is timely and important I guess.

When I was little, my Lolo used to tell me to always drink coconut water.  He said that it is full of electrolytes and other minerals that are beneficial to the body especially in boosting one's energy.  Coconut water is like an energy drink, he said.  I believed in him completely as he always look strong for his age.  My Lolo was from the Quezon province and had a plantation of coconuts mainly for copra production.  He is quite knowledgeable, I should say, as far as the use of coconuts is concerned.

I am not saying that coconut water should replace water.  Everything should be in moderation.  Drinking too much coconut water can also bring harm.  Anything in excess is not good.  Drinking coconut water for certain days of the week to be counted as part of the daily water intake may be good.  Augmenting the daily water intake with coconut water I suppose is a good idea, don't you think?

Whenever I go do grocery shopping or dine in a restaurant, I always make sure to get or order coconut water.  If one has the resources, why not?  But if one does not have the capacity to take advantage of the benefits of coconut water, it is best I guess to ensure the intake of at least 8 glasses of water.

Know those things that can make other things better.

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