
Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Season of Love

GAMEBOYS, the BL Series.  (CTTO. Poster was taken from Wikipedia.)

I have been binge watching BL Series in YouTube.  Mostly on Filipino BL Series.  "BL" for the uninitiated refers to Boys' Love, a sub-genre of the "romantic" kind whose stories are specific to boy-on-boy relationships.  Apparently this started in Japan and became quite popular due to the "mass production" of such series in Thailand.  Now, the Philippines has joined the bandwagon and has produced quite a lot in the past year.  If there was anything considered good in this pandemic, it's the rise of good quality motion pictures on the Internet.  Be it full features, shorts, documentaries, sitcoms, miniseries and series.

For the Filipino BL Series, I particularly love Gameboys, Gaya sa Pelikula and Hello Stranger.  The stories are good.  The actors are good.  Even the production value is good.  I might make a review of each BL Series.  But for now, I am just happy being reminded by these series that one, love knows no gender; and two, we can choose to love and feel loved everyday.

I just feel like after completely watching a series, I just want to bury my head in the arms of my partner. There's contentment.  There's comfort.  There's happiness.

Despite the pandemic, thank goodness for Filipino BL Series in this Season of Love.  No, not Valentine's.  The real Season of Love starts on January 1 and ends on December 31.  Just so you know. 😏💖 

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