
Monday, June 3, 2013

Charice Came Out of the Closet - "Opo... tomboy po ako." (Yes, I am a tomboy.)

CHARICE PEMPENGCO sporting a boyish haircut finally admitted that she's a lesbian.
Watch the coming-out-of-the-gay-closet interview below.
Finally, Youtube singing sensation and international recording star Charice Pempengco or more popularly known with just a single name, "Charice", in an interview in a local showbiz talk show this afternoon of 02 June 2013 admitted to being a lesbian.

Charice has been the hot topic for several months already due to her sudden change in haircut and style in clothing.  Charice even sported a lot of tattoos recently.  Speculations, rumors, and blind items have flown everywhere about her sexual orientation.    There's even rumors of her eloping with a girl contestant in a certain reality show.  Now, everything will be put to rest.  Charice is a lesbian.

My reaction?  Who cares?  I don't know about you, but all I am interested in Charice is her awesome talent.  Whatever she does in her private life or who she's with are none of my business.

GOOD LUCK CHARICE!  Bless you for being true to yourself and to your fans.  FLY HIGH!  Ultimately, it is knowing our real selves that we can truly find peace and happiness!

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